Xynk Road Map
All dates are approximate!
Have a feature request? Email us at support@xynk.xyz.
1.0 App Store Release (2014-12)
1.1 Update (2015-3) GLM and Type III sums of squares ANOVA
1.1 Update (2015-6) better editing of data cells in the spreadsheet
1.2 Update (2015-9) x-y scatter plots and time series
Version History
2014-9-8 Version 1.0β14
- added editing of bars and symbols by direct clicking on graph
- improved display of tools in format bar
- fixed display of about box and update notice
- minor tweaks and bug fixes
2014-8-17 Version 1.0β13
- added tight ticks, a la Tufte
- remember last-used panes in inspector and statistics windows
- improved creation of new file
- improved creation of repeated measure
- minor tweaks and bug fixes
2014-8-3 Version 1.0β12
- implemented preferences pane
- implemented new post-hoc test: Newman-Keuls
- added toggle to turn on/off repeated measures ANOVA
- improved labeling of ANOVA results
- implemented copy, save and print from Statistics Window
- fixed menus for Statistics window
- implemented undo and redo for Measures pane of Inspector
- ellipses in truncated fields
- minor tweaks and bug fixes
2014-7-20 Version 1.0β11
- implemented new post-hoc tests: t-tests, Fishers LSD, and Bonferroni
- improved validation and error reporting for ANOVA calculations
- implemented one-way repeated measures ANOVA
- upgraded to Sparkle 1.7.1
- added move-to-app-folder feature
- added menu items to show/hide graph key elements and set slide size/orientation
- improved pixel-level rendering of graphs on screen
- improved resizing of graphs
- improved handling of new files and file saving
- tweaks to example files
- minor tweaks and bug fixes
2014-7-5 Version 1.0β10
- added alternative summary values for data points (median, midpoint, geometric mean)
- improved selection
- implemented Undo and Redo for most operations
- minor tweaks and bug fixes
2014-6-27 Version 1.0β9
- added selectable slide sizes (e.g. "letter", "XVGA", "1080p")
- fixed plotting of missing data values in line graphs
- minor tweaks and bug fixes
2014-6-22 Version 1.0β8
- implemented alternate error bar types (SD, range, percentiles)
- implemented error bars away from axis
- pop-up menu for editing bars and symbols in graph key
- "in place" editing of categories/subcategories by clicking on x-axis & key labels
- "in place" editing of y-axis range by clicking on y-axis labels
- axes can be positioned at bottom, top, or at a specified y-intercept
- fixed resizing with window, and scrolling within graph page
- fixed bug in saving error bar types
- minor tweaks and bug fixes
2014-4-20 Version 1.0β7
- editing of bars and symbols in format bar by selecting items in graph key
- "in place" editing by clicking on labels in graph
- fixed Mavericks-only alert when "Show Previous" is clicked in Software Update dialog
- update statistics window only if it is visible
2014-1-31 Version 1.0β6
- added template files to save and apply graph formatting parameters
- refactored statistics window to synchronize with graph window
2014-1-24 Version 1.0β5
- fixed conversion of numeric to categorical measure during import
- fixed crash when resizing caption text view
- minor tweaks and bug fixes
2014-1-12 Version 1.0β4
- fixed re-positioning bugs in graph title
- removed units and automatic axis label composition as too complicated
- simplified import data dialog
- deselected graph elements before printing
- fixed bug in reverse ordering of subcategories in line graphs
- fixed bug in plotting individual points in single category line graph
- fixed bug in toggling error bar visibility in line graphs
- fixed bug in setting name of imported file
- rename measures with duplicate names from imported files
- fixed symbol bug in group view
2014-1-6 Version 1.0β3
- fixed position bugs in example files
2014-1-5 Version 1.0β2
- fixed initial visibility of graph
- drag measures to reorder, move in and out of repeated measures
- drag groups to reorder, move subjects in and out of groups
- fixed problems with example files
- numerous bug fixes
2013-11-18 Version 1.0β1 initial release.